Some say long copy is a dying art. I disagree. Cut back too far and you end up with bullet points. There will always be briefs that demand well-crafted, engaging and persuasive copy that’s a lot more than 20 words long.
Merchant Gourmet
Merchant Gourmet continually travel all over the world in their never ending quest to find the very best in fine foods, hard to source regional ingredients and traditional recipes. Gourmands across the UK prize their products for their authenticity and outstanding quality. From a writer’s point of view this account was a joy to work on because every product had such a rich and compelling story to tell. Art director: Marcella DiMare
MoneyGram needed to pull together a vast array of disjointed product information from across the world to produce definitive product guides for 34 different service areas for both internal and external use. The guides followed existing brand guidelines but also established their own unique identity to encourage ownership from the sales teams.
Graphic representation of contents